Ideas for openstreetmap mashups

The readers who don’t know yet what openstreetmap is should go to and take a look at it. It is a project that aims to create free (as in speech) maps for the whole world. I have done some mapping work for openstreetmap and it is really a whole lot of fun.

Recently I had some ideas spinning round in my mind but I currently do not have the time to do some active work on them so I thought I’d share them with you, maybe somebody picks one up.

  • Load openstreetmap data to flightgear: I recently flew from Linz to Palma de Mallorca with FlyNiki, and in the plane (a Airbus A320) there is a multimedia system installed that shows an animation of the plane from the outside. It could have been flightgear, but I don’t know for sure. If I take my laptop with me on the flight and also have a GPS module, I could play such an animation on my own, and with the openstreetmap data I would know what places I see when I look out of the window.
  • Restaurant search: When I am underway, and I want to go to a restaurant, I would like to know which restaurants are near my current location and what quality the food and service there are. With mobile internet getting cheaper and more handsets coming up with GPS chipset included, it should be easy to list all restaurants listed in openstreetmap that nearer than a certain distance. When you combine this list with a site restaurant critics site you can read the critics and choose where you have your lunch today. Of course that site would need an appropriate api and the possibility to have restaurants added by users, but I think it is only a matter of time until such a site comes up.
  • Radio stations near you: When you drive far away from home, you usually don’t know which radio stations near you are interesting. Maybe there will evolve a tag for marking radio station antennas and the frequencies, genre and websites so you can easily find out which stations near you are of any interest for you.

What are your ideas about mashing up openstreetmap? Tell me in the comments.

2 Responses to “Ideas for openstreetmap mashups”

  1. Andrew Says:

    As for the radio station search, we could start by populating the United States with data from the FCC (

  2. silwol Says:

    Andrew, this would be great for US people. You have to be careful though with the license under which the information is published.

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